





2013/09 - 2019/01,中国,天津,伟德国际victor1946博士

2015/10 - 2016/10,荷兰,代尔夫特,代尔夫特理工大学伟德国际victor1946联合培养博士生

2008/09 - 2013/06,中国,青岛,青岛理工大学伟德国际victor1946学士




1. 建筑设计1/建筑设计2 (本科二年级), 09/2021-至今

2. 风景园林毕业设计 (本科五年级), 09/2023-至今

3. 建筑设计基础 (本科一年级), 03/2019-07/2021


1. 城市微气候

2. 室内传染风险控制

3. 人员空间行为

4. 建筑节能



1. 天津市哲学社会科学规划青年项目. 基于空间韧性的天津市社区公共卫生风险评估与防范对策研究 (Grant No. TJGLQN23-007), 主持, 12/2023-12/2024

2. 高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室课题. 时空行为视角下建筑空间要素对呼吸道传染风险的影响规律研究:以办公建筑为例 (Grant No. 20220109), 主持, 11/2022-10/2024

3. 伟德源自英国始于1946自主创新基金项目. 传染病防控视角下的建筑公共空间形态优化策略研究 (Grant No. 2023XS-0098), 主持, 01/2023-12/2023

4. 伟德源自英国始于1946自主创新基金项目. 基于时空行为模式的学校建筑呼吸道传染病传播风险评估研究 (Grant No. 2022XS-0041), 主持, 01/2022-12/2022

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 以医院为基础的儿童新发重大传染病的预警与应对 (Grant No.72174138), 参加, 01/2022-12/2025

6. 河北省社会科学基金. 太行山文化景观特征与意境传承研究 (Grant No. HB23VS045) , 参加, 11/2023-05/2026

7. 住房和城乡建设部科学技术计划. 民用建筑工程卫生防疫通用技术体系研究 (Grant No. 2021-k-033) , 参加, 06/2021-12/2022

8. 河北省社会科学基金. 基于绿色生产理论的河北省城市社区生态更新模式研究 (Grant No. HB21YS044) , 参加, 01/2022-12/2022

9. 国家重点研发计划. 目标和效果导向的绿色建筑设计新方法及工具(Grant No.2016YFC0700200), 参加, 07/2016-06/2021

10. 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 基于光热环境综合优化的养老设施建筑设计研究----以天津为例 (Grant No. 51708393), 参加, 01/2018-12/2020

11. 国家自然科学基金面上重点项目. 寒冷气候区低能耗公共建筑空间设计理论与方法 (Grant No.51338006), 参加, 09/2013-12/2018

12. 代尔夫特理工大学. Green Building Innovation (GBI) research program, 参加, 10/2015-11/2016

13. 中国科协科普部. 未来生活——绿色建筑科普微视频方案设计与研发(科普项目), 参加, 07/2015-01/2016

14. 天津市研究生科研创新项目. 基于迭代算法的寒冷气候区建筑外窗系统低能耗关键因素研究(Grant No.2019YJSB168), 参加, 01/2019-03/2023


[1] Zhang, A., Zhen, Q.*, Zheng, C., Li, J., Zheng, Y., Du, Y., Huang, Q., & Zhang, Q. (2023). Assessing the impact of architectural and behavioral interventions for controlling indoor COVID-19 infection risk: An agent-based approach. Journal of Building Engineering, 74, 106807.

[2] Zheng, C., Xu, W., Wang, L., Cao, X., Li, M., & Zhang, A.* (2023). Multi-objective optimization of energy, thermal and visual comfort for dormitory buildings in the cold climate of China. Indoor and Built Environment, 1420326X231194314.

[3] Zhen, Q., Zhang, A.*, Huang, Q., Li, J., Du, Y., & Zhang, Q. (2022). Overview of the Role of Spatial Factors in Indoor SARS-CoV-2 Transmission: A Space-Based Framework for Assessing the Multi-Route Infection Risk. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 11007.

[4] Sun, Q., Huang, Q., Duan, Z., & Zhang, A.* (2022). Recycling Potential Comparison of Mass Timber Constructions and Concrete Buildings: A Case Study in China. Sustainability, 14(10), 6174.

[5] Han, T., Huang, Q.*, Zhang, A., & Zhang, Q. (2018). Simulation-Based Decision Support Tools in the Early Design Stages of a Green Building—A Review. Sustainability, 10(10), 3696.

[6] Zhang, A., Bokel, R., van den Dobbelsteen, A., Sun, Y., Huang, Q., & Zhang, Q*. (2017). Optimization of thermal and daylight performance of school buildings based on a multi-objective genetic algorithm in the cold climate of China. Energy and Buildings, 139, 371-384.

[7] Zhang, A., Bokel, R., van den Dobbelsteen, A., Sun, Y., Huang, Q.*, & Zhang, Q. (2017). An integrated school and schoolyard design method for summer thermal comfort and energy efficiency in Northern China. Building and Environment, 124, 369-387.

[8] Zhang, A., Bokel, R., van den Dobbelsteen, A., Sun, Y., Huang, Q.*, & Zhang, Q. (2017). The effect of geometry parameters on energy and thermal performance of school buildings in cold climates of China. Sustainability, 9(10), 1708.

[9] 张颀,赖筱书,黄琼* & 张安晓.(2023).侗族传统聚落气候适应性研究.西部人居环境学刊(01),141-146.

[10] 田靖雯,朱玲*, & 张安晓. (2023). 多尺度生态分析与嵌套在乡村景观规划前期的应用——以长株潭绿心跳马片区为例.西部人居环境学刊,38(5),24-31.

[11] 陈立维,郑越*,张安晓 & 孙德龙.(2023).基于DEMATEL的遗产保护影响因素研究.山西建筑(16),5-11.

[12] 郑越,陈立维*,孙德龙 & 张安晓.(2022).基于BP-MIV的我国建筑遗产保护与管理影响因素研究.新建筑(06),82-86.

[13] 保娟娟,黄琼*,张安晓 & 张颀.(2021).天津原租界街区夏季室外热舒适研究.南方建筑(05),108-118.

[14] 田一辛,黄琼*,赵敬源 & 张安晓.(2018).寒冷地区低能耗办公建筑布局研究.建筑节能(07),8-12.


[1] Zhang, A., Huang, Q., Du, Y., Zhen, Q., & Zhang, Q. (2019). Agent-Based Modelling of Occupants’ Clothing and Activity Behaviour and Their Impact on Thermal Comfort in Buildings. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 329, No. 1, p. 012022). IOP Publishing.

[2] Du, Y., Huang, Q., Zhang, A., Zhang, Q., & Jing, H. (2019). Prediction, comparison and analysis of comfort level and energy consumption of a passively remodeled dwelling based on BP neural network computation. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 329, No. 1, p. 012006). IOP Publishing.

[3] Zhang, A., Huang, Q., & Zhang, Q. (2018). Environmental impacts and energy saving potential of green actions for schools: a case study in northern China. In Smart and Healthy within the 2-degree Limit. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 34th PLEA International Conference, Hong Kong (pp. 974-975). Hong Kong, China: PLEA 2018.

[4] Zhang, A., Huang, Q., Sun, Y., & Zhang, Q. (2017). Multi-objective window optimization of school buildings for thermal and daylight performance in the cold climate of China. In L. Brotas, S. Roaf, & F. Nicol, Design to Thrive. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference, Edinburgh (pp. 4461-4468). London, UK: NCEUB.

[5] Zhang, A., Sun, Y., Huang, Q., Bokel, R., & van den Dobbelsteen, A. (2017). Effect of Corridor Design on Energy Consumption for School Buildings in the Cold Climate. In Transforming Our Built Environment through Innovation and Integration: Putting Ideas into Action. Paper presented at the Proceedings for World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017, Hong Kong (pp. 880-887). Hong Kong: Construction Industry Council & Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited.

[6] Xu, H., Huang, Q., Zhang, A., & Zhang, Q. (2017). The climate-responsive design strategies of ancient timber-frame halls in northern China: a field study. In L. Brotas, S. Roaf, & F. Nicol, Design to Thrive. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference, Edinburgh (pp. 4413-4420). London, UK: NCEUB.

[7] Wang, T., Huang, Q., & Zhang, A.(2017). The effect of window form on thermal comfort in summer and in winter in the cold climate of China. In L. Brotas, S. Roaf, & F. Nicol, Design to Thrive. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference, Edinburgh (pp. 1344-1351). London, UK: NCEUB.

[8] Wang, W., Huang, Q., & Zhang, A.(2017). The impact of environmental color on summer thermal comfort in the cold climate zone of China. In L. Brotas, S. Roaf, & F. Nicol, Design to Thrive. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference, Edinburgh (pp. 1352-1359). London, UK: NCEUB.

[9] Zhang, Y., Huang, Q., & Zhang, A.(2017). Effect of external shading blinds provision on the energy consumption and visual comfort. In L. Brotas, S. Roaf, & F. Nicol, Design to Thrive. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference, Edinburgh (pp. 4437-4444). London, UK: NCEUB.

[10] Zhang, A., Huang, Q., Sun, Y., Li, Y., Mao, Y., Wang, T. & Zhang, Q. (2015). Energy Efficient School Façade Design: Effect of Shading Devices on Fenestration for Daylighting in Cold Climates. In Architecture in (R)Evolution. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 31st International PLEA Conference, Bologna (pp. 289). Bologna, Italy: Ass. Building Green Futures.

[11] Sun, Y., Huang, Q., Zhang, A., & Zhang, Q. (2015). A study of passive design strategies for courtyards of the outpatient department in hospital buildings in cold regions. In Architecture in (R)Evolution. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 31st International PLEA Conference, Bologna (pp. 252). Bologna, Italy: Ass. Building Green Futures.

[12] Huang, Q., Mao, Y., Zhang, A., & Zhang, Q. (2015). Integration of passive design strategies into a secondary school project in the cold climate region of China. In Architecture in (R)Evolution. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 31st International PLEA Conference, Bologna (pp. 60). Bologna, Italy: Ass. Building Green Futures.



1. 江西井冈山华润希望小镇, 天津市优秀勘察设计一等奖(项目主持人:张颀), 08/2021

2. 安徽金寨华润希望小镇, 天津市优秀勘察设计二等奖(项目主持人:张颀), 07/2019


1. 三等奖及优秀奖指导教师.“银杏之乡·未来之村”第五届中国公益乡村设计大赛. 中国乡村发展基金会,中国建设科技集团&随州市曾都区人民政府,中国. 05/2023

2. 绿色佳作奖指导教师. 2022碳中和未来生活创新设计国际竞赛. 世界规划教育组织&国际绿色建筑联盟,中国. 06/2022

3. 三等奖指导教师. 2019“挖‘空’新思、筑‘雪’为间”国际高校雪构建造节. 中国建筑学会&哈尔滨工业大学,中国. 12/2019

4. 二等奖指导教师. 2019上海同济国际建造节. 教育部高等学校教学指导委员会-建筑学专业教学指导分委员会&同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,中国. 06/2019

5. 优秀教案, 全国高等学校建筑设计教案和教学成果评选. 全国高等学校建筑学科专业指导委员会,中国. 10/2014

6. 优秀作业, 全国高等学校建筑设计教案和教学成果评选. 全国高等学校建筑学科专业指导委员会,中国. 10/2014



Sustainable Cities and Society.

Journal of Building Engineering.

ISA Transactions.

Intelligent Buildings International.

Atmospheric Pollution Research.

Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering.

Science and Technology for the Built Environment.

Smart and Sustainable Built Environment.

Energy and Built Environment.

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology.

Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets.

Polytechnic Journal.

Current Drug Therapy.



