According to STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN POLITECNICO DI TORINO DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN AND TIANJIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE,3 masters can be sent to Politecnico di Torino for a 6-month exchange, from 2021 September to 2022 January. Currently there are no official information about the modality of teaching and classes for the a.y. 2021/2022. Please wait for further notice.
1. 专业:不限;
2. 语言:英语听、说、读、写能力较强者优先,无需意大利语基础。
1. Major: no limit
2. Language: applicants with excellent English skills are preferred; Italian is not a must.
Please send your application form, CV and portfolio to zhtju@tju.edu.cn before May 26, with the subject being“Torino student exchange application + your name”. The interview will be May 27. Please check your message or email for further notice about the interview.