姓 名:周 婷

职 称:副教授

单 位:建筑技术研究所

专 业:建筑技术科学

邮 箱:zhouting1126@126.com

















[1] 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,52278202,浇筑缺陷对矩形钢管混凝土柱力学性能的影响规律与控制技术研究,2023-01至2026-12,在研,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金委,青年项目,51308387,方钢管混凝土组合异形柱结构性能与设计方法研究,2014-01至2016-12,已结题,主持

[3] 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划研究任务,2019YFD1101003.3,片体式轻型异形柱框架-冷弯薄壁墙结构体系及抗震,2019-11至2022-12,在研,主持

[4] 天津市科学技术协会,天津市青年人才托举工程,TJSQNTJ-2018-13,天津市青年人才托举工程,2019-01至2021-12,已结题,主持

[5] 中国博士后科学基金,面上项目,2018M630274,下栓上焊装配式隔板贯通节点抗震破坏机理与计算方法,2017-03至2019-03,已结题,主持

[6] 住房和城乡建设部,研究开发项目,2017-K9-038,装配化钢管混凝土组合结构住宅关键技术研究,2017-02至2019-08,已结题,主持

[7] 天津市建委,科技项目,2015120024001984,复杂超高层钢结构施工全过程模拟与监测技术,2015-06至2017-06,已结题,主持

[8] 技术开发/服务项目:装配式剪力墙体系研发、超低能耗装配式建筑技术体系研发、嘉峪关世界文化遗产监测系统工程(二期)-嘉峪关木构城楼现状结构分析与状态评估研究、大型LNG储罐施工全过程分析与关键技术优化、京津冀建筑产业现代化联盟技术研发等。


[1] Ting Zhou, Zhexia Yang, Zhihua Chen*, Yue Yu. Seismic behavior of connections between H-beams and L-shaped column composed of concrete-filled steel tube mono-columns connected by double vertical plates. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 198

[2] Long Zhang, Weikun Dong, Ting Zhou*. Study on the mechanical characteristics of Xia-Ang in the Song-style Dou-Gong set on columns. Structures, 2022, 41, pp. 475–487.

[3] Long Zhang, Chuang Liu, Ting Zhou*. Experimental study on mechanical properties of column foot of ancient timber structures–Take the drum-shaped plinth as an example. Structures, 2022, 40, pp. 1002–1013.

[4] Jian Zhang, Hongjun Wang, Ting Zhou*, Zixuan Wang, Zhihua Chen. Study on the Mechanical Behavior of Composite Special-Shaped Columns under Compression-Bending Without End Rotation Constraints. International Journal of Steel Structures, 2022.

[5] Ting Zhou, Xinfeng Song, Long Zhang*,Renwen Sun. Experimental and Numerical Study on Dou-Gong Joint of Ancient Wooden Structure in Qing Dynasty. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2022.

[6] Chen Huiyun, Chen Zhihua, Zhou Ting*, Guo Liulu, Liu Hongbo. Experimental Investigation of Various Corroded Metal Materials Used in Building Structures. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022, 34(12)

[7] Zhihua Chen, Jiahang Xu, Ting Zhou*, Jing Su. Seismic research on column base joint of L-shaped CFST columns under cyclic loading. Structures, 2022, 45, pp. 1212–1224.

[8] 周婷,王子轩,杨传嵩,陈志华,刘红波.锈损后焊缝连接力学性能试验研究与数值模拟[J].建筑钢结构进展:1-12[2022-12-05].

[9] 杨怡昕,周婷,刘红波,王新妍.太阳辐射下LNG不锈钢储罐罐壁温度场和温度效应研究[J].工业建筑:1-10[2022-12-05].

[10] Zhihua Chen, Zhenyu Zi, Ting Zhou *, Yapeng Wu. Axial compression stability of thin double-steel-plate and concrete composite shear wall. Structures. 2021, 34: 3866-3881.

[11] Xinyu Wang, Ting Zhou*, Zhihua Chen, Xiaohui Zhou, Pengfei Zhang, Xiangyong Zhang. Mechanical properties of L-shaped column frame combined with shear wall. Structures. 2021, 34:4920-4935.

[12] Ting Zhou, Zhexi Yang, Zhihua Chen*, Ya Tuo, Pengfei Zhang, Huazhou Chen. Mechanical properties of π-shaped joints of flat concrete-filled steel tubular column. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2021(187):106916.

[13] Jing Su, Ting Zhou*, Zhi-Hua Chen and Xiao-Dun Wang. Mechanical Prorerties of Exposed Column Base Connections for L-Shaped Columns Fabricated Using Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes. Advanced Steel Construcion. 2021, 4(17): 356-365

[14] Ting Zhou, Chongyang Li, Zhihua Chen , Huazhou Chen, Weiqi Guo, Pengfei Zhang. Quasi static behavior of specially shaped columns composed of concrete-filled steel tube frame-double steel concrete composite walls. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2021(183):106730.

[15] Zhihua Chen, Jie Liu, Ting Zhou*, Xiangyu Yan, Xi Zhang. Uniaxial Eccentric-Compression Performance Analysis for Double-Plate Connected Concrete-Filled  Steel-Tube Composite Columns. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2020, 146(8).

[16] Ya-PengWu, Zhi-Hua Chen, Ting Zhou* ,Xian-Dong Chen and Xiao-DunWang. Experimental and numerical studies on Seismic Performance of The SCFST Column Eccentrically Braced Frames. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2020.

[17] Xiandong Chen, Ting Zhou *, Zhihua Chen, Jie Liu, Baoqi Jiang. Mechanical properties of special-shaped concrete-filled steel tube columns under eccentric compression. 2020. 167.

[18] 周婷, 孙仁文, 巴振宁, 俞春荣, 许德臣, 张翔, 张龙. 基于动力测试和监测数据的光化楼力学性能和抗震分析. 第二十届全国现代结构工程学术研讨会, 2020.

[19] 周婷, 杨慧杰, 胡建军等. 暴露环境下矩形钢管混凝土构件截面温度场实测研究, 建筑结构. 2020年07期 第80-85页.

[20] Ting Zhou,Ziyang Ren,Baoqi Jiang,Minyang Xu,Zhiyong Lei,Zhihua Chen. Calculating Method Study and Parameter Analysis of Slender LCFST Columns Under Axial Loading[J]. International Journal of Steel Structures,2019,19(5).

[21] Zhang Long, Chang Zhenning, Li Qian, and Zhou Ting*. Experimental Research on the Anti-Seismic Properties of a Five-Stamping Tou-Kung Joint of Ancient Chinese Buildings in the Ming Dynasty: A Case Study of Guang-yue Tower in Liaocheng City, Shandong Province. International journal of architectural heritage, MAY 2019.

[22] Jie Liu, Ting Zhou, Zhiyong Lei, Xiandong Chen, Zhihua Chen. Eccentric compression performance of slender L-shaped column composed of concrete-filled steel tubes connected by steel linking plates. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2019,162.

[23] 周婷, 邸超阳, 胡建军. 方钢管混凝土组合异形柱轴压承载力计算方法研究, 伟德源自英国始于1946学报,52(sup2),2019:pp: 67-74.

[24] Jie Liu, Zhihua Chen, Ting Zhou,Li Jia. Finite element parametric analysis on double-plate connected concrete-filled steel tube composite columns. 9th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS19) Bradford, UK, 3-5, July, 2019

[25] 蒋宝奇, 周婷, 陈志华, 李砚波. L形无孔钢板连接式方钢管混凝土组合异形柱压弯性能简化模拟研究,建筑结构,6,2019,pp:61-65

[26] 王小盾,刘浩南,周婷*,仝晓莉厚板钢梁节点焊接过程监测评估与有限元分析, 伟德源自英国始于1946学报 2018-07-15 2018, 51(z1)

[27] 陈志华,张旺,熊清清,周婷, L-CFST柱-钢梁中节点抗震性能试验和有限元分析, 伟德源自英国始于1946学报,2018-07-15  2018, 51(z1)

[28] 刘洁,周婷,熊珍珍,郑培壮,程龙. 装配式墩头锚固预制楼板力学性能研究, 伟德源自英国始于1946学报, 2018-07-15 2018, 51(z1)

[29] 周婷; 胥民扬; 陈志华; 李砚. L形钢板连接式方钢管混凝土组合异形柱双向压弯稳定性试验研究 建筑结构 2018-03-22 2018,48(06):82-86.

[30] 杨慧杰,陈志华,周婷,李志国, 津湾广场9#楼超高层混合结构温差效应研究, 建筑结构, 2018,48(14):75-79.



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