姓 名:曹语芯
职 称:副研究员
单 位:建筑系
专 业:建筑学
邮 箱:cao_yuxin@tju.edu.cn
[1] 2024.1-2026.12, 十四五国家重点研发计划“城镇可持续发展关键技术与装备”专项揭榜挂帅项目“城市高强度片区优化设计关键技术”子课题“基于亲和感的空间包容性优化技术”(2023YFC3807404-3),参与人
[2] 2023.12-2024.03, 天津市科协决策咨询课题一般课题“适老智慧社区场景和服务模式研究”, 项目负责人
[3] 2021.05-2023.04, A Health District Framework to Evaluate Planning Scenarios,新加坡国立大学和建屋发展局共同资助,参与人
[4] 2021.05-2024.06, Healthy District Baseline Study of X,新加坡国立大学和建屋发展局共同资助,参与人
[1] Cao Yuxin*, Heng Chye Kiang, Fung John Chye. (2023) Older adults’ out-of-home activities in a super-aged high-rise, high-density neighborhood: A qualitative study. Journal of Aging and Environment, 37(1) , pp.100-125.https://doi.org/10.1080/26892618.2021.2001709
[2] Cao Yuxin*, Heng Chye Kiang, Fung John Chye. (2022) Neighborhood spaces and older adults’ everyday life in Singapore’s public housing. Habitat International, 127, Article 102649. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2022.102649
[3] Cao Yuxin, Heng Chye Kiang . (2022) Coping with COVID-19 in the high-rise, high-density context : Lessons from Singapore’s public housing, Revue Internationale d'Urbanisme, no 13, janvier 2022. http://www.riurba.review/article/13-crise/singapore/
[4] Gan Rong Yao Daniel, Cao Yuxin, Liu Wen, Fung John Chye, Ng Tze Pin. (2021) Older People's Activity Participation (OPAP): Factor structure and psychometric properties of a scale. Innovation in Aging, 6, S1. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igac059.884
[5] 曹语芯, 王才强*, 张威. (2021) 新加坡组屋公共空间的历史演变、类型及启示. 城市环境设计, 04, pp.365-373.
[6] Cao Yuxin*, Heng Chye Kiang, Fung John Chye. (2019) Using walk-along interviews to identify environmental factors influencing older adults’ out-of-home behaviors in a high-rise, high-density neighborhood. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (21), Article 4251. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16214251
[7] Cao Yuxin, Heng Chye Kiang, Fung John Chye. (2019) Neighborhood environment and the elderly’s aging-in-place experiences in Singapore public housing – A case study of Boon Teck neighborhood. 5th Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan, May 20-22, 2019.
[8] Cao Yuxin, Heng Chye Kiang, Fung John Chye. (2018) Neighborhood environment and the elderly’s out-of-home activities in Singapore public housing: A case study of Yuhua East neighborhood. Great Asian Streets Symposium 2018, Singapore, December 14-16, 2018.
[9] Cao Yuxin, Heng Chye Kiang, Fung John Chye. (2017) The impact of elevated neighborhood open spaces on the elderly’s social interactions in Singapore public housing [Article]. 14th International Congress of Asian Planning Schools Association, Beijing, China, October 12-14, 2017.
王才强, 杨淑娟, 著. 陈丹枫, 曹语芯, 译. (2022)《新加坡城市规划》,中国建筑工业出版社,2022.07
1、2021 新加坡国立大学王庚武(WGW)优秀论文奖(博士论文)提名
2、2019 IAFOR(The International Academic Forum) Scholarship国际会议奖学金