2003/9 - 2008/6,武汉大学城市设计学院,建筑学专业,学士
2008/9 - 2011/7,北京大学城市与环境学院,地理学(城市与区域规划)专业,硕士
2011/10 - 2016/3,英国利物浦大学环境科学学院,地理与规划专业,博士
2019/09 - 2019/11,伟德国际victor1946城乡规划系教师
2016/07 - 2019/05,英国格拉斯哥大学城市研究系 博士后、助理研究员、硕士论文导师
2012/09 - 2015/06,英国利物浦大学地理与规划系 课程助教
1. 天津市科协重点决策咨询课题, 高品质韧性智慧社区建设策略与路径,2023, 主持
2. 企业委托横向项目, 天津市海港区域城市更新规划设计,(国家发改委盘活存量资产扩大有效投资典型案例项目), 2022, 主持
3. 科技部高端外专引进计划团队项目,陆海统筹与国土空间规划, 2022-2023,主参
4. 伟德源自英国始于1946自主创新基金-社会影响力项目,基于隐显价值转化的绿色空间潜力评估与增效模式研究,2023, 主持
5. 伟德源自英国始于1946自主创新基金-创新平台项目,陆海统筹关键带国土空间布局与人居环境特色研究,2023, 参与
6. 天津市教育委员会-伟德源自英国始于1946共建项目, 基于智慧仿真技术的动态化城市治理研究, 2021, 主持
7. 国家社科基金青年项目, 社区基金会在基层社会治理新格局中的作用研究, 2021,主参
8. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目, 社区智慧抗疫抗灾导向下的公共服务设施韧性提升策略研究, 2021, 主持
9. 研究阐释党的十九届四中全会精神国家社科基金重大项目, 20ZDA037,城市微观公共服务空间配置优化与可及性评估研究, 2020- 2022,参与
10. 伟德源自英国始于1946师资队伍建设项目, 基于手机信令大数据的智慧城市规划平台建设, 2020, 主持
11. 地方委托横向项目, 天津市经开区“十四五”规划专题研究-城市绿道规划与慢行系统研究,天津经开区建设与交通局,2020-2021, 参与
12. 地方委托横向项目, 天津市武清区公安基础设施布局评价及专项规划编制项目, 2020,参与
13. 地方委托横向项目, 天津市武清区教育设施现状布局多维评价, 2019,主持
14. 中国国家自然基金委合作项目(ESRC-NSFC)-英国经济与社会研究理事会国际合作项目,The Re-Making of Chinese Urban Neighbourhoods: Socio-Spatial Transformation and Access to Public Services,2016-2019,主参
15. 英国经济与社会研究理事会-中国社会科学院(ESRC-CASS), 国际合作研究项目, ES/N007603/1, Urban Development, Migration, Segregation and Inequality, 2015-2018,参与
[1] Lu Shuang, Wang Yu*, Shao Li The change of green space well-being during rapid urbanization: A case study in Jinan, China, 2006-2018. PLOSONE 2023,18(9): e0289480
[2] 王雨,杜昕天,刘璐,程韦力,王旭,王东波 多网融合理念下城市存量地区慢行绿道网络综合优化策略研究——以天津市滨海新区核心区为例. 城市学报
[3] 曾鹏,于泽汝,王雨*,弹性生活圈理念下的小区出入口平疫管控研究——以天津市和平区为例. 南方建筑,2023, 220(02): 69-76
[4] SUN Y, XIE J, WANG Y, et al. Mapping local-scale working population and daytime population densities using points-of-interest and nighttime light satellite imageries. Geo-spatial Information Science, 2023, 1-16.
[5] 芦爽,王雨*,曾鹏,张天洁. 政府事权视角下的城市更新治理路径——基于济南市三个案例的比较研究. 规划师, 2022, 38(08): 140-145
[6] Wang, Y., and Zeng, P. Teaching Strategies for the Renewal of Community Space through Data-aided Planning and Design,Contemporary Architectural Education, 2022(04), 63-70
[7] 芦爽,王雨*,曾鹏. 基于地理探测器方法的城市公园绿地可达性时空演变特征研究——以2006—2018年济南市中心城区为例. 西部人居环境学刊, 2022, 37(05): 81-88.
[8] Amir Siddique, M.; Wang, Y.; Xu, N.; Ullah, N.; Zeng, P. The Spatiotemporal Implications of Urbanization for Urban Heat Islands in Beijing: A Predictive Approach Based on CA–Markov Modeling (2004–2050). Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4697.
[9] Sun, Y., Huang, Y., Yuan,K., Chan, T., Wang, Y*. Spatial Patterns of COVID-19 Incidence in Relation to Crime Rate Across London. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2021,10(2), 53.
[10] 王雨,芦爽,原珂,张天洁. “园—城”关系视角下的公园城市多路径发展体系. 城市问题, 2020(10): 11-18.
[11] Sun, Y.; Wang, Y*.; Yuan, K.; Chan, T.O.; Huang, Y. Discovering Spatio-Temporal Clusters of Road Collisions Using the Method of Fast Bayesian Model-Based Cluster Detection. Sustainability, 2020, 12, 8681.
[12] Sun, Y., Wang, S., Wang, Y. 2020. Estimating local-scale urban heat island intensity using nighttime light satellite imageries. Sustainable Cities and Society, 57, 102125.
[13] Zhang, X., Sun, Y., Zheng, A., Wang, Y. 2020. A new approach to refining land use types: predicting point-of-interest categories using Weibo check-in data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(2), 124.
[14] 原珂,陈醉,王雨. 中国城市风险治理研究述评(1998—2018)——基于CSSCI期刊文献的可视化分析. 兰州学刊,2020(12): 101-1
[15] Wang, Y., and Shaw, D. 2018. The complexity of high-density neighbourhood development in China: Intensification, deregulation and social sustainability challenges. Sustainable Cities and Society, 43, 578-586.
[16] Wang, Y., Shaw, D. and Yuan,K. 2018. Gated neighbourhoods, privatised amenities and fragmented society: Evidence from residential experience and implications for urban planning, Sustainability, 10(11), 4301.
[17] Sun, Y., Du, Y., Wang, Y. and Zhuang, L. 2017. Examining associations of environmental characteristics with recreational cycling behaviour by street-level Strava data. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(6), 644.
[18] Wang, Y. 2014. The Framework of Social Sustainability for Chinese Communities: Revelation from Western Experiences, International review for spatial planning and sustainable development, 2(03), 4-17.
[19] 陈可石,王雨. 当代地域性策略在灾后重建中的探索实践—汶川水磨中学建筑设计, 建筑学报, 2011(06), 110-113
[20] 王雨. 创意城市空间发展新策略研究—以深圳市西丽地区为例, 特区经济, 2011(11), 46-47
[1] 唐缝梁,邢跃,蔡良娃,王雨.多元数据支持下的“社区体检”方法探究及应用——以天津市某地区为例[C]//中国城市规划学会.人民城市,规划赋能——2022中国城市规划年会论文集
[2] 耿洁慧,王雨 基于智慧城市技术的老年友好型城市优化策略探讨——以巴塞罗那为例.[C]//中国城市规划学会.人民城市,规划赋能——2022中国城市规划年会论文集
[1] Yusfida Ayu Abdullah Nor Baizura Jamaluddin and Yu Wang. 2022 Interrelation of Transit-Oriented Development with Land Use Planning. 10th Asian Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies. Malaysia, 08-09 Jun 2022
[2] Wang, Y. 2018. Decentralisation in a Suburbanisation Era? Evidence from the spatial pattern of population growth in Tianjin. China’s New Urban Agenda Conference- An International Dialogue on Sustainable Development, Manchester, 2018
[3] Wang, Y. 2018. The evolution of sustainability in planning practice: a case study of Tianjin master plans 1986 to 2016. Interdisciplinary Conference: Green Cities, Business, Engineering, Architecture, Design, & Technology, Nancy, 2018
[4] Wang, Y. 2018. The Changing Spatial Distribution and Segregation of Migrants in Chinese Cities - A comparison of Tianjin, Hangzhou and Chengdu, 2000-2010. Invited Speaker, International Forum of Migration and Integration in Urban and Rural Development, Rural Development Institute, Beijing, 2018
[5] Wang, Y. 2017. Green Neighbourhood Units for a High-density Environment: A Case Study of the Singapore Orchard Area. Seventh International Conference on The Constructed Environment, Krawkow, 2017
[6] Wang,Y. 2017. Space, society and safety: a case study of new neighbourhoods in Shenzhen. 2017 International Conference on China Urban Development, London, 2017
[7] Wang,Y. 2016. Comparing the variation between ‘migrant communities’ and ‘middle-class communities’ in China: an assessment of community facilities satisfaction in Shenzhen, Conference on Migration -Looking Beyond the Refugee Crisis, Sheffield, 2016
[8] Wang,Y. 2013. Community Planning And Social Sustainability: Indications For China From Relevant Western Experiences, International Conference 2013 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (SUPD), Beijing, 2013
[9] Wang,Y. 2011. Green transformation using urban subtraction and addition, a case study in urban design for Wenchuan county seat reconstruction, The 5th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), Singapore, 2011
[10] Wang,Y. 2010. Rebirth after earthquake: a practice of a Chinese western town's sustainable reconstruction, The 3rd Eco-health Conference (IAEH), London, 2010
[1] 王雨,曾鹏*,杨彬,中国城市产业社区建设发展报告[R],中国城市社区建设发展蓝皮书2023,社会科学文献出版社
[2] 王雨,杜昕天, 中国城市公园社区建设与发展报告[R],中国城市社区建设发展蓝皮书2023,社会科学文献出版社
[3] 王雨,David Shaw,封闭社区、设施私有化和社会碎片化:基于居住体验的结论及对城市规划的启示[R],现代化与全球城市动态观察2023,武汉大学出版社
[4] 王雨,于泽汝 天津市韧性社区建设发展报告——和平区五类社区韧性特征评估,中国城市社区建设发展蓝皮书2022,社会科学文献出版社
[5] 曾鹏,王雨,唐缝梁,任晓桐,京津冀韧性社区建设发展报告,中国城市社区建设发展蓝皮书2022,社会科学文献出版社
1. 时空行为大数据集成分析,伟德源自英国始于19462023创新环境支撑平台建设项日,主持
2. 生态低碳城镇与健康社区设计虚拟仿真综合教学平台, 伟德源自英国始于19462022-2023年新工科立体化教学资源名单重点项目, 主参
3. 伟德源自英国始于1946来华留学生国际化教育资源建设项目,2022年,主持
4. 伟德源自英国始于1946健康社区设计虚拟仿真实验教学项目,2020年,主参